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Bird mitigation devices

Birds are one of the potent living contributors that can lower the working and ruin the internal machinery of the solar panel mounted on near the roofs. There are some suggested methods which are usually employed as safety measures t avoid the fault in solar systems. One very much practiced method is the use of different audio and video as bird mitigation devices to deceive the birds so that they can vacate the space near the solar panels. Many of the birds have lice problems with them; this can be cured with the help of bird lice treatment. This is either performed by the application of sprays, medicines, insecticides or by complete wash. 

The application of Birds mitigation devices

There are different bird’s repellents which are used to allow the birds and associated predators to leave the place which can result of serious consequences because of their stay. These repellents can be the bird mitigation devices including the scary audio/ visual clips to scare the birds, sprays, insecticidal medicines use and installation of spikes and meshwork. The use of spikes and mesh in the surroundings of the solar panel is considered the most perfect one. These cages basically seal the passage of birds to the main system only allowing the sunlight and air movement through it.

The use of audio and visual arts as bird mitigation devices can be useful too but can be of short-term effective; however, the mesh provides long-term safety. These are easy to maintain, low profile and imparts less cost on the owner. So, safety can be assured by the use of one or more than one device in compilation to keep the solar panel systems from the uninvited visits y the birds.

Application of bird lice treatment

Some of the birds of a flock raise the issue of lice in the body parts which can be safely resolved by the application of bird lice treatment. These can be because of the number of lice, mites and termites indicating through the extensive flapping of feather and itching. These are the external parasites covering the birds, causing them problem in flight and rest. So, these issues can be medically treated by the spraying of insecticidal, medicines, cleaning by wash, use of vacuum bags in birds.

One can notice the lice problems in birds through the action of restlessness, agitation, pruning and late flight. On these conditions, bird lice treatment can be offered. These situations are mostly witnessed in birds kept in poultry. However, still the first mediated approach to cure birds from lice and mites is disinfection by medicines and sprays.


Bird mitigation devices are used to remove the birds from near any precious or dangerous place or site. These can be clips or sprays and even the presence of mesh hurdles which the birds cannot cross. The bird lice treatment is done in birds with problems of lice in hairs and feathers depicted due to the restless behavior of birds during flight.